Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Rain drops on roses...

It's a rainy day here where I am, no wonder they call it 'April Showers'!
I'm pretty new to the idea of 'blogging'...

I have all of the other social media channels you can imagine; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, Tumblr... you name it, I probably have the sickeningly addictive app for it.
But a blog? Totally unheard of for me!!

Any-hoo, I usually keep alot of my life under firm lock and key from everyone, I don't rate my own opinions or reviews on things and find what I have to say quite boring. However now I feel different;
 this year so far has been a flurry of emotions, new beginnings and excitement, so what better time to start a blog - for once in my life genuinely brilliant and comical things are happening and I would quite like to share them with you all!

So let's start by filling you all in on who I am, if you have managed to read this far without errupting into snores, you may aswell carry on;

My name is Emily-Rose, many know me as Em and most know me simply as 'that small weird one that sings' (no comment.) I'm 18 years young, mind of an 80 year old, soul of a 3 year old and the size of a 10 year old, but who's counting. I'm a winter baby through and through, with a love for all things pretty and handmade and I am obsessed with vintage and floral details (queue rolling of eyes thinking I am just like every other teenage girl - HOLD UP - give a girl a chance!) My guilty obsessions include motorbikes, weddings, food and Aerosmith. Not necessarily in that order.

Now that you all want to be my best friend, I will post for you as much as I possibly can and hopefully make you giggle from time to time!

Lots of love, Emily-Rose xoxo


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